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Teach Me Outbound

How I made the President’s Club

We covered a lot in this session. Teach Me Outbound (TMO) is advice from people still ‘in the trenches.’ Short episodes break down tactics you can use right away.


We speak with Chris Russell, Senior SDR at Allego, in this episode. We break down his most successful channels, how he’s been using video messages to get crazy-high reply rates, and what Chris does whenever he’s in a tough patch.

*Steal Chris’s video messaging framework.*👇


Graphic of Chris Russell's video message example


*The framework* 


Introduction: Introduce yourself and say your reason for sending a connection request.


Highlight relevancy: In Chris’s video, he outlines that he’s noticed headcount growth, which typically means onboarding reps is a priority (something his company can help with).


Simple CTA: The CTA asks for more time - nothing too complex.

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